Saturday, December 5, 2009

Anti-Tobacco Science: Science or Junk?

I am not a conspiracy theory watcher. Not enough time in the day. I do believe people become compromised or corrupt by following their visions or ambitions to the point where they are willing to misrepresent information if it means more grant money or it may be a case of believing the ends justify the means. Whatever the reason, it has become clear to any reasonable person that certain scientific institutions and individuals have become untrustworthy, especially when funded by groups that want a certain outcome.

I always felt that global warming was junk science, especially given the political nature of the movement. With the hacking of e-mailings revealing how there may have been some 'creative' measures taken to continue to show that global warming was taking place - I became more willing to give other skeptics the benefit of the doubt - in this case in the area of tobacco.

In full disclosure I have not read the books I list here in their entirety. I have read some of the material published online and it grabbed my interest, especially the health hazard claims attached to tobacco. I am not here to debate one way or another. What I would like to point out is, just like in the global warming movement, the anti-tobacco groups have the same group of liberty robbing busybodies associated with it. The irony is that I was only an occasional cigar smoker and now I am enjoying the pipe - primarily because it is very enjoyable and relaxing - but also as a form of rebellion (Put That in Your Pipe) against those that would like nothing better than to control our lives from cradle to grave. There are risks associate with every aspect of living your life, to include heavy tobacco use. You can not rob someone of their property and in turn their liberty because you claim to be doing it for the ‘public good’. The Nazis did that and countless other totalitarian regimes.

While we are on the subject of totalitarian regimes, here is another excellent book which I have read, highlighted, and am going to re-read shortly:

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