Wednesday, January 27, 2010

12,316 and Counting

Stop the Pipe Tobacco Tax

Sign the Petition : 12, 316 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

A modest number of e-mails and letters sent, but still promising. Hopefully even none pipe smokers will sign on in recognition that this sort of behavior modification through taxation or worse - de facto prohibition through taxation - needs to stop.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Them" and "They" Explained

Just a quick entry explaining that I am intentionally using "they" and "them" or other various pronouns when referring to elected officials or members of anti-tobacco, anti-freedom groups.  I will mention names in connection to certain bills, or news stories, but otherwise would like to keep the focus of my rant on individual's policies and actions.  So in referring to the "Health Nazis" I am primarily describing individual actions and behavior and not making a direct attack or personnel judgment call against individuals I personally know nothing about. I won't name call to a person's face, so I certainly won't do it in cyberspace - unless they really, really deserve it. Cheers!

Health Nazis on the March!

Washington State cigar and pipe smokers are facing yet another increase on taxes if House Bill 2493 and Senate Bill 6443 pass into law. As many of us know, it isn't about revenue collection with these officials; it’s about their crusade to ban a legal product because they feel that they were elected to protect us from ourselves. Not a cigar or pipe smoker? What do you like? Alcohol? Soda? Donuts? French Fries?

If they succeed in driving tobacconists out of business they won't stop there. When someone is on a health crusade all is fair game. Anyone out there still think that government should control health care? Still don't believe me. Take a look at this video from CIGAR ASSOCATION of WASHINGTON and look at how self satisfied the representative is with their efforts to destroy someone's business. They freely admit that they are going to use taxation to destroy a legitimate business all in the name of their health crusade.

They wish to use the power of the state to seize and destroy someone’s property. Is there a lawyer in the house!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

H.R. 4439 - 775% Increase in Pipe Tobacco Tax!!!

It was only a matter of time.  Just two co-sponsor so far, but expect more.  This doesn't makes sense - in bad economic times enact a tax increase that will destroy more business.  Right at this moment I am too angry to provide any comments.  These representatives are truly out of touch with reality.  They need to be voted out and forced to go back to their home states and find real jobs in the real world.

Read it and weep...

H.R. 4439
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose the same rate of tax on pipe tobacco as is imposed on roll-your-own tobacco.

The fight begins...

Stop a 775% Tax Increase on Pipe Tobacco!

Why the Tyrants Can Never Win

From the Tenth Amendment Center.

Our Founders had a profound understanding of human nature and of the burning desire for freedom that is planted in the very essence of who we are as human beings. This is why the Constitution was written so as to allow that yearning for freedom to flourish and grow. (Read on...)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Outstanding Book!

Several posts back I recommended some books that I had looked over.  I am slowly making my way through that list.  So far I give two BIG thumbs up to Mr. King's book.  It is full of some eye opening stories of "Nanny State" government at its best.  The best part is that it was written in 2008 so it is current and you get the benefit of seeing that some predictions made in the book have come to pass in the last year. 

The reason I cared enough to start ranting in cyberspace is the fact that the Nanny State is on the march.  I don't smoke enough (pipes and cigars) to feel the pinch of the war on tobacco like a cigarette smoker, but I know well enough that it won't stop there and Mr. King does a fantastic job at painting that picture. 

Just a taste of what you will find:

"But here is the line that I think says it all, vindication, so to speak, for writing this book..."We need much more innovative methods to persuade people to change their lifestyles for the 21st century, supported by regulatory and legislative framework."  Professor Peter Kopelman (University of London) said that, and if that weren't enough, here is the kicker: "There are other examples of public health measures that have eventually followed this line - cigarette smoking being the exemplar."

There you have it.  It's not about tobacco, it's about those in our world that seek to create a society in their own image and individual freedom be damned.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Michigan: Smoking ban could cripple bar business

Found this posted at:  SmokersClub Forum Index -> Michigan

Like the post says, a little late.  They are spot on though. All those smug anti-tobacco activists think they are saving lives and their communities in the process.  In the end, the tax revenues that dry up as a result will have to come from some place else. 

Smoking ban could cripple bar business

Article comment:

"Ewwww, I Don't Like That" Said in a patronizing tone.

Posted by W J, Olympia,WA - Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 1:01 a.m.

I am originally from and grew up in the U.P.

I was aware that the Michigan Legislature was in the decision making process of approving or disapproving smoking bans.

Seriously considered writing to lawmakers to share plausible effects as the result of the toughest smoking ban in the country that was inacted in Washington State several years ago.

The current economic problems in the country but especially damaging in Michigan were of concern when I thought of a deeper downslide brought on by a possible smoking ban.

Have lived on the West Coast in Washington State for many years.

I remember the same arguments were given in this area such as a loss of business in bars/tavern's would only be short term and that revenue would actually increase overall.

The route I have driven every afternoon/evening when I return home from work through a business area that contains several bars/taverns has changed in appearance.

Before the "smoking ban" people socialized at these establishments but now when I drive by there usually is only one busy day instead of five and this was well before the economy took a downturn.

A previous comment was written by J.S. of Esky that the patrons would return later.

Actually, smokers now socialize with friends at home and do not patronize the bars.

I believe most smoker's would not have issue with not smoking in eating establishments but a bar is different.

Would it not be fair to require a sign be posted as to if a bar is smoking or non-smoking and possibly give some kind of incentive to a non-smoking establishment but let it be the choice of the owner?

Locally, all public places, to include outdoor auto racetracks, which have always had family and general sections, are non-smoking.

There has been a dramatic decrease in revenue due to smoking bans.

Once regulation gets a heavy hand it goes from one thing to the next. Issue is taken with many subjects from alcohol to riding motorcycles and noise volume, etc.

Now, the smoking ban probably has decreased the amount of smoking in this state, decreased tax revenue. As predicted by many in this area and now going into force, tax increases to make up for loss.

Michigan will suffer further.

It use to be so nice to come home to Michigan where people were not so uptight and tightly regulated.

Be ready for more and more tax increases due to lost revenue.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A voice of reason in a sea of tax insanity.

No need to add to this.  Nice to see that there are voices of reason out there. 

Proposed Washington Tobacco Tax Increases Cause Committees to Clash

Tough Economy Calls for Change - Smoke a Pipe!

I came across this article from the author's pipe repair website.

Walker Briar Works

Funny thing is that I was just in Manchester Michigan while visiting family for Christmas - small world. When I am in need of pipe restoration or repair I will be happy to provide my home state with much needed commerce.

Of course, in this day and age the anti-tobacco forces are even trying to make sure that pipe smoking becomes too expensive for the average American - and these days we are all average Americans outside of the over paid political 'class'.  Fortunately we can vote them out!  Let's hope that we can vote in freedom loving citizens and will show the door to these politicians hoping for a second career as lobbyists - maybe in a perfect world.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Save the Children from Tobacco!

It boggles the mind when the injustice of tobacco shipping bans or high taxes is mentioned not far behind is the excuse that it is "for the children". Assuming that the high minded individuals in government are making these decisions for the children, it begs the question. "Where are the parents?" And since when was the purpose of elected government to be surrogate parents to the nation’s children? Don't get me wrong, I am the father of a 3 year old girl and a 7 month old boy and I would move heaven and earth to protect my babies.

There is a legitimate place for government and that is to protect our communities and in turn our families from harm - criminal harm by individuals that would seek to rob our homes and harm our children in the physical sense. There are a multitude of laws in place to prevent minors from buying tobacco and thus help parents in keeping a product meant for adults out of their hands. When someone violates those laws there are fines and even prison time.

I am going somewhere with this.

The raising of the cost of tobacco through taxation and shipping bans ends up keeping the product away from adults. In a recent hearing for a proposed bill to exempt pipe tobacco from a shipping ban the reason for the ban was - drum roll - for the children. 30,000 pipe smoking children to be exact.

Wow! 30,000! That is quite a large number of children to protect. With such a large number of pipe smoking children you would think that I would at least see a few walking down the street puffing on a nice $50 briar pipe. Of course we should ask for clarification on how many of that 30,000 are pot pipe smokers. We are talking about a tobacco shipping ban after all. Don't get me started on the proposed legalization of pot. How would that be good for the children?

Yes, another day, another rant. Message to all elected officials and individuals that collect a pay check from BIG anti-tobacco, please let parents raise their own children. It is my job to ensure that my children stay away from liquor, tobacco and other substances not meant for them. It is the job of our government and local authorities to keep criminals off the streets and our communities safe from those wishing to do us harm.

You do your job and I'll do mine. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Yorkers Rebel

Just getting back from Christmas vacation with the family. Great article from Pipe Smokers Intelligencer to start off the New Year. When the smoking bans run into the reality of everyday life, it is interesting to see how the busybodies that impose them are shocked to see Americans pushing back. God bless American and freedom.