Friday, January 22, 2010

Outstanding Book!

Several posts back I recommended some books that I had looked over.  I am slowly making my way through that list.  So far I give two BIG thumbs up to Mr. King's book.  It is full of some eye opening stories of "Nanny State" government at its best.  The best part is that it was written in 2008 so it is current and you get the benefit of seeing that some predictions made in the book have come to pass in the last year. 

The reason I cared enough to start ranting in cyberspace is the fact that the Nanny State is on the march.  I don't smoke enough (pipes and cigars) to feel the pinch of the war on tobacco like a cigarette smoker, but I know well enough that it won't stop there and Mr. King does a fantastic job at painting that picture. 

Just a taste of what you will find:

"But here is the line that I think says it all, vindication, so to speak, for writing this book..."We need much more innovative methods to persuade people to change their lifestyles for the 21st century, supported by regulatory and legislative framework."  Professor Peter Kopelman (University of London) said that, and if that weren't enough, here is the kicker: "There are other examples of public health measures that have eventually followed this line - cigarette smoking being the exemplar."

There you have it.  It's not about tobacco, it's about those in our world that seek to create a society in their own image and individual freedom be damned.

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