Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

I'll be celebrating by smoking a cigar and or pipe - hopefully in smoking ban area like my local park. :)  Speaking of smoking bans, is it any wonder that some of our fellow citizens support freedom robbing laws when they have no clue what we are celebrating today.

Currently I am reading The Five Thousand Year Leap listing out the principles that created our freedoms as Americans.  The sad news link below would fit under the 23rd Principle: Importance of an Educated Electorate. If we truly had an educated electorate in our country even non-smokers would grasp the danger to liberty that smoking bans and high tobacco taxation bring.  

26% of U.S. don't know who we declared independence from

Happy 4th of July to all of my fellow citizens that preserve the meaning of that day.  I invite all of you to take a walk with your favorite tobacco product and celebrate freedom!  If you encounter a anti, simply smile and wish them a happy Independence Day!

God bless you and God bless all our soldiers, sailors and airmen that are defending our great nation and whatever freedoms have not been stepped upon. 


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