Friday, December 9, 2011

Feds burned by cigarette smuggling

"Yet every day, the failure to strongly combat the growing crime of contraband cigarette smuggling deprives governments of billions of dollars in tax revenues — siphoned off by terrorist and criminal organizations."

This has to be some kind of joke. Is Rep. King serious? He's crying about terrorist and criminal organizations siphoning off billions in tax revenue. Like no one predicted this very problem when tobacco taxes were raised. Lower the tobacco taxes to a reasonable level that individuals are willing to pay and government will get their revenue. Tax too high and you make normal law abiding citizens willing to go elsewhere to buy their tobacco.

The picture speaks for itself.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NYC sues 'roll-your-own' shops over taxes

NYC sues 'roll-your-own' shops over taxes

"Thomas Farley ( New York City's health commissioner) also defended the city's high taxes on cigarettes, saying that studies had shown that they are pressuring people into quitting, or not taking up the habit, and thereby saving lives."

Pressuring people into quitting smoking is NOT the business of government - Federal, State or Local. The total nonsense about the 'burden' smokers impose can easily be countered with the high levels of tax dollars that are gouged from smokers to pay for whatever government programs progressives can dream up. Also spare me the 'saving lives' BS. How about all the lives that are lost due to all the criminals running loose in the streets. End rant.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Country Class vs. Ruling Class

Just when you thought Mayor Bloomberg couldn't be more of a wannabe tyrant.
The movie Dodgeball comes to mind.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Clowns of the Senate to Impose De facto Tobacco Prohibition?

Just when you though the war on tobacco and freedom couldn't get too much worse or at least not this fast...I present:


(a) Short Title- This section may be cited as the ‘Saving Lives by Lowering Tobacco Use Act’.

(b) Increase in Excise Tax on Small Cigars and Cigarettes-

(1) SMALL CIGARS- Section 5701(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ‘$50.33’ and inserting ‘$100.50’.

(2) CIGARETTES- Section 5701(b) of such Code is amended--

(A) by striking ‘$50.33’ in paragraph (1) and inserting ‘$100.50’, and

(B) by striking ‘$105.69’ in paragraph (2) and inserting ‘$211.04’.

(c) Tax Parity for Pipe Tobacco and Roll-Your-Own Tobacco-

(1) PIPE TOBACCO- Section 5701(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ‘$2.8311 cents’ and inserting ‘$49.55’.

(2) ROLL-YOUR-OWN TOBACCO- Section 5701(g) of such Code is amended by striking ‘$24.78’ and inserting ‘$49.55’.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Roll-your-own-tobacco machines = Freedom

The title "Roll-your-own-tobacco machines stir health concerns" is a crock. The real concern here is the lost tax revenue for State and Federal government.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bloomberg: No Chairs in NYC public places!*

Armed with a new study that equates cigarette smoking to sitting in a chair, Major Bloomberg has declared that all chairs in public spaces will be banned and new city taxes levied on chairs and sofas.

* Disclaimer: This 'news item' is a parody.

Sitting Vs. Smoking!

Does this mean that new studies will involve the dangers of second hand sitting. Will there be a tax on all chairs and sofas to cover the cost to society?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another Goose Stepping Politician

Illinois lawmaker says raising obese kids should cost parents at tax time

Bigger brains that I warned over and over that when the tobacco taxes dried up politicians would find new and better ways of getting more of our money to control more of our lives.

The face of the latest tax Nazi....and a portly at that.

Senator Shane Cultra (R)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

No logic to comments...

Original link went bad, but thanks to The Smoker's Club Forum I found a new link commenting on this issue.

When I first read this article there was a comment (now removed) lamenting about the danger to the health of employees from secondhand smoke. Having been a resident of Washington State for over 15 years I can remember life before the 2005 smoking ban. There were some great cigar bars to include The Spar in Olympia. Unfortunately after the smoking ban all these great places either closed up shop or went out of business. I am sure the former employees were thrilled that they no longer had to breath in secondhand smoke.

The exception for cigar bars and tobacconists is just common sense, HOWEVER; paying for the 'privilege' is crap. As for the employee's health - most likely, an employee of a cigar bar or tobacco shop is a smoker of some form of tobacco.

Yes, 'elitist' legislatures were known to frequent The Spar with it's private humidor cabinets and live Jazz music, BUT also average guys like yours truly would go there with an old high school friend for an ale and cigar. Some comments in referring to cigars smokers make it out to be a rich man's pass time. I beg to differ. The Spar had all backgrounds mingling together. Yes, it is hypocritical to allow cigar smoking but not cigarette, but that doesn't mean that cigar smokers should be caricatured as 'fat cats' or elitist.

Being primarily a pipe smoker now, I look forward to having more options for places where my fellow pipe smokers can gather for a pint, a pipe and politics.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Illegal smokes a threat - RCMP

Here's a thought...stop taxing cigarettes at tyrannical levels and you solve the problem. Sorry Mounties, you won't get sympathy for a problem caused by runaway nanny state hosers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Voting Property Rights Away...Again.

The march toward voting away a business owner's right to run his business continues. The supporters of the Bismark smoking ban are so self-satisfied in there efforts to rid the world of second-hand smoke even in tobacco shops. Does anyone think anything through anymore, or is it all about how righteous one feels when they vote to destroy someone's business.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beer Wars!

A blog entry to honor "The Pint" of my blog...

Just finished watching Beer Wars with the Mrs. and we are both up in arms. I felt sick to my stomach to see first hand the mafia like grip that Annheuser-Bush has on the beer industry. The real pain arrived when it was revealed that both Bass and Boddingtons whored themselves out to AB, which is now part of Inbev.

I for one hate to walk down the beer isle and see the the piss water known as Bud, Bud Light and all the AB brands dominate. Now I have to do my homework to make sure that the beer I am buying isn't part of Inbev. I don't mind a little competition and free market but this is raping and pillaging the mom and pop brewers that would be happy with a small market share. True free market economics allows the consumer to decided based on the quality of the brand and the companies compete fairly for their market a perfect world.

It seems now that Inbev is the pimp and Annheuser-Bush and its brand are the whores.

Pass me a Samuel Adams or Dog Fish Head and I'll 'recycle' it on a case of Bud Light if you catch my meaning. Long live the indie brewer!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Proposed OTP Tax Increases

Not all inclusive, but here is what I have...
Check here for updates...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Christmas in April...

I love this old ad!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Watch out tubby, it's your turn...

Land of the free and home of the brave? I think not. The warning signs where there all along. You allow government to run healthcare you can kiss your freedom goodbye.

First it was the cigarette smokers that they came after. Back in the day if you smoked cigars or a pipe you technically didn't even rate as a smoker. Now if you even have nicotine in your system you get stiffed by the insurance companies.

There you have it. If you desire to have government run health care then you have to live with being dictated to by your local, state and federal government how you must live your life or face paying a fine.

How did we get here? Who do we want to be as a people? The Nanny Express is now at full steam and won't be slowing down any time soon. As for'll have to pry my pipe from my cold dead hands.

Our forefathers would be ashamed to see what we have become and are becoming. I truly hope at some point there will be more of us to say "ENOUGH".

Government officials cry about not having enough money for MEDICARE, but it was never intended for government to be in the healthcare business. I say get out and stay out! Go back to providing basic services and stay out of our personal lives.

What other lifestyle choices will be considered for this fee? Out of wedlock sex is considered high risk - are you going to charge a fee for that?

END RANT. I am off to smoke my pipe and find my happy place.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Smoking Bans and Taxes for OTP

I searched for a decent graphic on the current tax rates for Other Tobacco Products (OTP), specifically pipe tobacco. Having not found one I combined information from and

Joe Jackson's Smoke, Lies And The Nanny State

Read Joe Jackson's Smoke, Lies And The Nanny State

Very well stated!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Goose Stepping Maryland.

Ocean City Maryland Public Park Smoking Ban

I want very much to be civil in my postings but it is becoming increasingly difficult to be civil when it is obvious that that various anti-tobacco politicians imposing smoking bans are extreme zealots.

They won't listen to reason and their hate of tobacco appears to make them hate tobacco smokers to an equal degree. To ban a man from enjoying his cigar or pipe in a park and feel justified in doing so not only shows no regard for individual freedom but it shows to me a feminization of male politicians across the fruited plain. Even if you don't use tobacco a real man would at least acknowledge another man's right to smoke his cigar or pipe in an open park.

What would these men's fathers and grandfathers think of them? Shame and disgust come to mind.

All these smoking bans at a time of high unemployment and a general depressed feeling in our country. These ban advocates are disconnected with reality. It will be interesting to see the enforcement of all these city bans that are being enacted by city councils. I for one will smile and walk off enjoying the pleasure of smoking my pipe.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UPDATE to WA Sate HB 1246

It seems that our representatives in Olympia have graciously revised their original bill to exclude language that would ban pipe tobacco...I think. One never knows what exactly is against the law with the broad, far-reaching laws that are passed in Olympia these days.

HB 1246 - 2011-12 Regulating tobacco products.

Still, the original intent of representatives like Eileen Cody are alive and well - the complete prohibition of tobacco in the state of Washington. If you are looking for Republican allies in this state, stop looking. Attorney General Rob McKenna is also in the anti-tobacco camp.
The same anti-tobacco politicians support abortion and go around yelling, "Hands off my ovaries!" Well, how about, "Hands off my lungs!" "Hands off my waistline!" "Hands off my parenting!"
The list could go on and on. The sponsors of these sort of bills will yell from the roof tops that they are doing it for the children. Please keep criminals behinds bars and allow parents to take care of raising their children.
The world has seen the sort of mentality that leads to this preoccupation with controlling adults. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Ladies and gentlemen I present the sponsors of HB 1246.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Malaga Pipes: Hometown Pipe Shop

It is a crying shame to discover a world class pipe store in your hometown after they have been closed for almost 12 years. "MALAGA" pipes out of Royal Oak Michigan were the pipe of choice for President Gerald Ford. As a kid growing up in Royal Oak in the 70s and 80s I never knew the store existed. My dad told me recently that he would go in there to buy cigars. All that is left of MALAGA pipes is what you can find on EBAY or in private collections.

I was fortunate enough to win a MALAGA pipe that included an old sales bulletin. Not sure on the date. Probably from the 1960s or 1970s .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pipe Tobacco Outlawed???

Washington Lawmakers Consider Bill to Outlaw Flavored Tobacco Products

"State Sen. James Holmquist Newbry may add a provision to the bill that would allow adults to purchase flavored tobacco products. The bill also includes a ban on pipe tobacco. In addition, the proposal would give localities more authority to regulate tobacco and would enact more regulations regarding retail tobacco displays."

This from a state that is trying to legalize pot! I don't have words for the legislators in Olympia supporting this. Actually I do have words, but not ones I'd care to use in this forum. This is all in the name of protecting the children. If Olympia can't enforce current laws prohibiting children from buying tobacco, good luck enforcing this one.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Smug Alert Part 2

The Second Battle in Seattle...over Tobacco

The Second Battle in Seattle

I am a proud member of the Seattle Pipe Club and very proud the that Matt Guss and a handful of my fellow members didn't just sit around when the pipe tobacco shipping ban was enacted. They attempted to get an exemption for pipe tobacco and fought the good fight. Unfortunately, like the article from states, Washington State politicians, to include the Republican AG, will stop at nothing to see tobacco become illegal in the once Great state of Washington.

Those that study history know how all this will end. It will criminalize adults who refuse to go along with having their freedoms hacked away and create a burden on law enforcement in the same way Prohibition did.

At a time of economic hardship and instability abroad that threatens our way of life, our politicians in Olympia are focusing on more ways to criminalize legal behavior and turn us in little children.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A little fun...

I altered an old Black Velvet ad to have some fun.
This 'advertisement' has not been endorsed by the Seattle Pipe Club.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wakeup New York City Taxpayers

Life's tough for $144,000 garbage collectors

I was stumped at what to title this blog entry. I wanted something pithy but it's too early in the morning for the creative juices to be flowing. If you are a N.Y. City garbage collector, I understand you have little mouths to feed and that your job is tough but at the same time some where deep inside you must have felt that the gravy train couldn't continue forever.

There are people that sacrifice working and going to school to be able to make half of that sort of money and benefits. There are military members being told that they have to do more with less and in some cases the less is less personnel. So whatever sad story you have please spare the rest of us. Now if being a Sanitation Engineer was an actual professional degree that required years of schooling and training there could be an argument made for this level of salary and benefits.

The same for all the unionized city worked across the fruited plain. How can you justify your salary and benefits when soldiers living and dying away from their families in the name of defending those of us at home make far less than half of what your union bosses have strong- armed for you?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

TV! New threat to health!!!

Watching television 'damages the heart'

Imagine if TV gets the same treatment as tobacco and alcohol for being a public health threat...

- A new tax on TVs and computers to cover the burden they cause on the health care

- Ban TVs in public places due to the health risks now associated with TV/Internet viewing

- Impose a ban on TVs in privately owned businesses to include bars and casinos (yes this includes video slots)

- Anyone caught viewing a TV within view of minors will be subject to fine or imprisonment for endangering their health

- To protect you from yourself a timer will be mandated for all electronic devices with a screen limiting viewing to the safe amount of time established by a committee of unelected officials

Get the picture?

Today's cheeky speculation is tomorrow's reality.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prohibition by a 1000 cuts.

Great Neck Bans Smoking on Public Sidewalks

It should be interesting to see how this is enforced. I can see it now; some Gomer Pyle type of individual chasing a smoker down yelling, "Citizens Arrest! Citizens Arrest!" (Ref: Andy Griffith Show and you get the picture).

Come on - Really? Government is addicted to tobacco tax money but doing everything it can to discourage use. Really?

I can see some poor old man walking down the street smoking his pipe with tobacco he can barely afford due to taxation and some nanny state Nazi would like nothing better to do than hit him with a $1000 fine.

End Rant.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Great article from

The Smug Alert