Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UPDATE to WA Sate HB 1246

It seems that our representatives in Olympia have graciously revised their original bill to exclude language that would ban pipe tobacco...I think. One never knows what exactly is against the law with the broad, far-reaching laws that are passed in Olympia these days.

HB 1246 - 2011-12 Regulating tobacco products.

Still, the original intent of representatives like Eileen Cody are alive and well - the complete prohibition of tobacco in the state of Washington. If you are looking for Republican allies in this state, stop looking. Attorney General Rob McKenna is also in the anti-tobacco camp.
The same anti-tobacco politicians support abortion and go around yelling, "Hands off my ovaries!" Well, how about, "Hands off my lungs!" "Hands off my waistline!" "Hands off my parenting!"
The list could go on and on. The sponsors of these sort of bills will yell from the roof tops that they are doing it for the children. Please keep criminals behinds bars and allow parents to take care of raising their children.
The world has seen the sort of mentality that leads to this preoccupation with controlling adults. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Ladies and gentlemen I present the sponsors of HB 1246.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    Stumbling upon your site caused me to feel fortunate. There doesn't appear to be many of us pipe smokers left in this once great nation of ours. Even less that actually write about it. If I may, I'd like to add your site to my blogroll... with your permission of course?
