Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UPDATE to WA Sate HB 1246

It seems that our representatives in Olympia have graciously revised their original bill to exclude language that would ban pipe tobacco...I think. One never knows what exactly is against the law with the broad, far-reaching laws that are passed in Olympia these days.

HB 1246 - 2011-12 Regulating tobacco products.

Still, the original intent of representatives like Eileen Cody are alive and well - the complete prohibition of tobacco in the state of Washington. If you are looking for Republican allies in this state, stop looking. Attorney General Rob McKenna is also in the anti-tobacco camp.
The same anti-tobacco politicians support abortion and go around yelling, "Hands off my ovaries!" Well, how about, "Hands off my lungs!" "Hands off my waistline!" "Hands off my parenting!"
The list could go on and on. The sponsors of these sort of bills will yell from the roof tops that they are doing it for the children. Please keep criminals behinds bars and allow parents to take care of raising their children.
The world has seen the sort of mentality that leads to this preoccupation with controlling adults. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Ladies and gentlemen I present the sponsors of HB 1246.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Malaga Pipes: Hometown Pipe Shop

It is a crying shame to discover a world class pipe store in your hometown after they have been closed for almost 12 years. "MALAGA" pipes out of Royal Oak Michigan were the pipe of choice for President Gerald Ford. As a kid growing up in Royal Oak in the 70s and 80s I never knew the store existed. My dad told me recently that he would go in there to buy cigars. All that is left of MALAGA pipes is what you can find on EBAY or in private collections.

I was fortunate enough to win a MALAGA pipe that included an old sales bulletin. Not sure on the date. Probably from the 1960s or 1970s .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pipe Tobacco Outlawed???

Washington Lawmakers Consider Bill to Outlaw Flavored Tobacco Products

"State Sen. James Holmquist Newbry may add a provision to the bill that would allow adults to purchase flavored tobacco products. The bill also includes a ban on pipe tobacco. In addition, the proposal would give localities more authority to regulate tobacco and would enact more regulations regarding retail tobacco displays."

This from a state that is trying to legalize pot! I don't have words for the legislators in Olympia supporting this. Actually I do have words, but not ones I'd care to use in this forum. This is all in the name of protecting the children. If Olympia can't enforce current laws prohibiting children from buying tobacco, good luck enforcing this one.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Smug Alert Part 2

The Second Battle in Seattle...over Tobacco

The Second Battle in Seattle

I am a proud member of the Seattle Pipe Club and very proud the that Matt Guss and a handful of my fellow members didn't just sit around when the pipe tobacco shipping ban was enacted. They attempted to get an exemption for pipe tobacco and fought the good fight. Unfortunately, like the article from states, Washington State politicians, to include the Republican AG, will stop at nothing to see tobacco become illegal in the once Great state of Washington.

Those that study history know how all this will end. It will criminalize adults who refuse to go along with having their freedoms hacked away and create a burden on law enforcement in the same way Prohibition did.

At a time of economic hardship and instability abroad that threatens our way of life, our politicians in Olympia are focusing on more ways to criminalize legal behavior and turn us in little children.