Saturday, April 2, 2011

Watch out tubby, it's your turn...

Land of the free and home of the brave? I think not. The warning signs where there all along. You allow government to run healthcare you can kiss your freedom goodbye.

First it was the cigarette smokers that they came after. Back in the day if you smoked cigars or a pipe you technically didn't even rate as a smoker. Now if you even have nicotine in your system you get stiffed by the insurance companies.

There you have it. If you desire to have government run health care then you have to live with being dictated to by your local, state and federal government how you must live your life or face paying a fine.

How did we get here? Who do we want to be as a people? The Nanny Express is now at full steam and won't be slowing down any time soon. As for'll have to pry my pipe from my cold dead hands.

Our forefathers would be ashamed to see what we have become and are becoming. I truly hope at some point there will be more of us to say "ENOUGH".

Government officials cry about not having enough money for MEDICARE, but it was never intended for government to be in the healthcare business. I say get out and stay out! Go back to providing basic services and stay out of our personal lives.

What other lifestyle choices will be considered for this fee? Out of wedlock sex is considered high risk - are you going to charge a fee for that?

END RANT. I am off to smoke my pipe and find my happy place.

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