Belmont, MI (WZZM) - Smokers are running out of states where they can light up in public. When Michigan goes smoke free next spring only 12 states will permit smoking in public places.
"It's nice they are making the change," says non-smoker Kerry Batdorff.This week the state legislature passed a ban on smoking in all Michigan workplaces, including bars and restaurants. Governor Granholm says she will sign the bill into law.
"It's a gift for the people of Michigan," she says.
But at Westwood Crossings in Belmont, many of the dart players aren't too happy about the smoking ban.

Comments: I can't let this one go. In an earlier post I went off on the bar ban and those that felt it didn't go far enough. Governor Granholm and every Democrat and Republican busybody that live in a government echo chamber have no clue that they are continuing to enact laws that take away the freedom of business owners to run their business as they see fit. There are thousands of bars and restaurants that are currently smoke free in Michigan. The ones that are left are for those that cater to smokers. All this will result in is business owners losing their business with their employees out on the street looking for work. Gee Governor, do you think they'll find work in your business friendly state? This sort of interference will only continue until there is no room left for private business to function.
It's a gift for the people of Michigan? Please, spare us! The gift that the people of Michigan demand is to get out of their way with regulation and taxation and be able to own and operate a business freely.
The irony is that this law doesn't affect me personally. I don't frequent bars or smoke cigarettes. The point is that this is continued government overreach. It won't stop here. Wait until government at both the state and federal levels control your health care. Own a donut shop? Food too fatty on the menu at your restaurant? You will be considered a fat pusher and thus a public menace. Not a business owner. Wait until you are called into your boss' office and counseled that you are too fat and must lose weight or lose your health insurance.
You can't contain this sort of overreach to just tobacco. It will spread. So for all the non-smokers that think this is a good thing, just wait - soon they will come for something you enjoy. If they do, please do the rest of us a favor and suffer in silence. I am only trying to spare you the pain of being a hypocrite.
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