Quotes from an enlightened reader's comments of this article:
"The majority of people in the state and in our country do NOT smoke, and we do not want to go ANYWHERE where people do smoke."
"The law is not perfect, I agree there should have been no exceptions. But its a big step in the right direction."

My response to this individual:
Right! So as a non-smoker, do you frequent cigar bars? If the ban included cigar bars it would be no better than telling the cigar bar owner to close up his bar and hand the keys over to the state government. It is this type of mob thinking that resulted in a regime like the Nazis - also anti-tobacco by the way. We were founded as a republic on purpose due to the totalitarian mob rule that a true democracy leads to. Too strong to call people that support taking someone’s property a Nazi? I think I am being too kind, especially considering you had 6000 other bars to pick from that were non-smoking.
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