I mentioned in my previous post about getting out there and posting comments to articles related to smoking bans. I would also add to that any article related to tobacco tax increases.
Be warned, no matter how civil you are you will receive the nastiest comments and most on a personal level. I suspect that Nanny State girly men do not want to be confronted with opposition. Of course, I refrain from name calling when I do post comments to articles. The point is to put information out there to get people thinking and not to alienate others. It doesn't mean we can't have fun - a sense of humor can go a long way in making a point as well. Again, be warned, what will be funny to normal folks will illicit anger on the humorless individuals that fight for high tobacco taxes and draconian smoking bans that don't even allow for cigar bar and tobacconist exemptions.

There I was, conducting a back and forth of comments with an individual that did not understand my point of leaving smoking bans up to business owners. Fine, let’s look for a compromise. How about cigar bar exemptions? One individual agreed; however, a more caustic individual simply ignored my point and proceeded to rant that they have a right not to be next to someone lighting up a tobacco product. Either he missed that I was referring to a cigar bar or he truly has such a level of entitlement that he feels he has a right to walk into a cigar bar and not have anyone smoke near him.
I refrained from calling him a girly man so as not to insult women who have more fiber than this guy. This leads to a ‘shout out’ to the Canadian Women’s Olympic Hockey Team. Way to show the world real winners can still celebrate with a good cigar!
Maybe the silver lining around these difficult economic times will be less tolerance for these entitled cultural nannies. You can’t have a Nanny State without “cultural nannies” populating it. A cultural nanny feels that their brain pan is so superior to the mere mortals they are forced to exist with that they know what is best for all. That whatever enters their brain and they deem “truth” ends debate forever.
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