Friday, March 19, 2010

The PACT ACT without teeth?

My first posting PACT ACT or SPY ACT? dealt with the PACT ACT and the spying powers under SECTION. 7. ENHANCED CONTRABAND TOBACCO ENFORCEMENT.  It seems that the bill about to be signed into law has this section omitted. This would place some of the financial burden of enforcement onto the states.  Also, a detailed reading reveals that even though there is only an exemption for cigars, there are no references that the act applies to pipe tobacco.  This whole 'game' is getting old.  Gee, how fortunate Washington didn't come after pipe or cigar smokers today.  Instead of being greatful, I am just plain PO'ed these spineless politicians are taking our freedom away piece by little piece.  Don't even get me started on the heath care drama - that would take another blog.

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